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Health & Other Professionals Services

Tandra has provided services to Health Professionals for nearly 20 years. She understands the unique challenges you are faced with in the medical (physicians, surgeons, nurses, CRNA's, pharmacists, psychologists, counselors, etc) and other professional (attorneys, bankers, teachers, etc) fields and offers effective ways to effectively overcome the struggles and challenges.

The health professional support meetings are offered to healthcare providers who are feeling stressed, are having difficulty with relationships, are struggling with emotional or mental health concerns, who have addictions or who are working with Midwest Health Management Services, LLC / South Dakota Health Professionals Assistance Program (HPAP) and/or their licensing boards related to concerns.  

Tandra offers:

  • individual therapy services for those with addiction, emotion and/or mental health concerns
  • support meetings for health professionals
  • works in conjunction with Midwest Health Management Services for those who are enrolled with them


Please complete and return the following forms at your initial appointment

Notice of Privacy Practices

(no need to return, this is for your information)

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